Tuesday, May 10, 2011

days go by

So it has been a while since I have mused about life and my awkward adventures within it.  I keep telling myself it is an issue of time.  But it seems that I don't have time for anything anymore.  Between working and pretending to be ok with the whole independent woman thing and being all domestic while also fixing toilets and the like, it is hard to find time to do much more than just function.  And it stinks.  

I know I am not the only one because whenever you talk about anything with anyone, namely how long it has been since you have seen them, the common excuse is "I know, I have just been so busy."  We all just nod and agree and have our bonding moment over how hard it is being a grown up even though it doesn't feel like we are old enough to be grown-ups, shudder, and opt for the bottle of wine.

It happens to all of us, getting swept up in the mundane borring-ness that is life.  But when do we start living rather than just surviving?  I know that concept is trite as anything and you are racking your brain for the name of that country song, rap song, chick flick, action movie, (have I made my point yet?) that you remember it from.  I know that things will get better and life gets easier as you establish yourself personally and professionally and that finances sort themselves out such that you can do more without worrying about where the money is coming from.  But right now I am kinda fed up.  I want to enjoy life and take in all that it has to offer, not just drag myself through it, waiting for something to happen.

I might not have it all, but I have enough to enjoy the little things in life.  It is time to start focusing on the friends that you are sharing the wine with rather than the job you hate to make the money to afford the more expensive bottle- Franzia gets the job done.  All joking aside, we spend do much time doing things to elevate ourselves and impress people that we barely have the time to spend with the people we are trying to impress.  We have to find the balance between making a living and having a life.

Friends are free, the best are their own reward and happiness is free, so I am going to start taking advantage of the incredible ROI potential (sorry, had to insert a corny business reference) and make the most of it... what ever it is.  Life is too short to be anything but happy, so it's time i start trying harder to achieve it, or maybe not trying as hard and let it just happen.

Monday, May 2, 2011

make it or take it

Yeah, sure this title may or may not be a nod to the ABC Family show popular among the pre-pubescent population... and me or my sister- and what?  And literally, I could go one for hours about the craziness that was tonight's episode, but I have more important things on my mind.  Lik life.

This whole concept of the future is daunting.  So we have ways of thinking about it such that we can focus on it without become overwhelmed by it.  And that's all well and good but there are two (not one, but TWO!!) mainstream schools of thought: 

  1. that everything happens for a reason and if it is meant to happen it will.
  2. you make your future into what it is by what you do today and the way in which you do it.
How the heck am I supposed to do this whole moving forward things if I don't know how it works.  Am I supposed to trust  that life will throw things at me for a reason and embrace it knowing that the good times will roll when the stars align?  Or am I supposed to take the bull by the horns and picture my future the way I want it and POWER towards it in any way possible?  I wish I had an answer.

My usual shtick is to pose the question or obstacle that I most recently encountered and walk through the options until I land on something that makes sense.  However, I dont know what makes sense here; you can't control what life throws at you, only how you react to it but there is also something to be said to be working hard to achieve your goals the way you have set them for yourself.  

I guess the best I can do is to realize that at the end of the day these two ways of thinking about this whole life thing is because it really is too difficult to think about as a whole.  There are some times where you have to bite the bullet and accept that life is taking a shot at you and there are some times where you get to look back at life and tell it to get over itself because you are doing what you want and you'll deal with it later.  

At the end of the day, it's a little of both.  yYur life is just like any other individual you will encounter; sometimes they win, sometimes you win, but either way the experience is something that will become part of who you are. We'll just figure it out as we go and just M-A-Y-B-E have a little fun along the way!