Monday, December 23, 2013

A Pettiglio Christmas Eve Eve

Twas the night before, the night before Christmas and at Camp Pettiglio,
Every creature was stirring – just one day to go!

With two kids in college and two out on their own,
Time for traditions has shrunk with the kids fully grown.

But traditions are strong and family is tight,
So we’re doing what it takes to get it done in one night.

The fish needed prepping, the tree needed trim,
The gifts needed wrapping, oh where to begin?

At least cookies were made at a night with the cousins,
With Nonni and Nonno we’d already made dozens.

So we'll start with the figures- LEDs line each hall,
Though I’m still not so sure how we power them all…

And now for the ornaments – we need 95,
One for each child for each year of their lives.

Then our seasonal game- new tradition of sorts,
A little competition makes sense as we’re all lovers of sports.

And with cocoa for all, though now some spike their drinks,
We clean the whole house from bedrooms to sinks.

Tomorrow will be filled with prepping all over,
Luminaries for the driveway and final trips to the grocer.

The trains must be set and the nativity placed,
The playlist queued up – not a minute to waste!

With cut-off sweatshirts, stained with years of grease,
We will then begin to prepare the seven fish feast.

We’ll dress up and take pictures, though that will end in a fight,
But now we are ready to party tonight!

So we’ll open the doors, our home fully prepared,
Ready to see droves of friends and family there.

And Santa will come bearing scratch tickets and gifts,
And the BARTENDER makes sure college kids all get their wish.

Another great Christmas Eve will have come and gone,
Proving even with life's changes, tradition still lives on.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!