Monday, May 4, 2015


The wind forces creaking from the soul of character outside my window. While the breeze sweeps in, coating everything in a cool air of refreshment, the creak screams out in the night yearning to hold on to the only thing it knows. Not old, comfortable. 

But the wind cares not. It compels change. And the creak goes on, knowing its in vein. Neither can help itself. 

As the air swirls and stirs everything in its path, it recognizes not the obstacles, only the pressing force that it must continue on. And though small things may move  with it, the larger obstacles stand firm. Unmoved they let out their creaks, wanting nothing more than to remain unchanged. Alas they are helpless, eventually yielding to the pressure they will become different. The creaking reaches out into the night in feabke attempts to hold on all the while knowing it had already lost. 

And as the building holds fast but eventually gives way, so must we when the wind blows change. Let the breeze refresh you. Enjoy the breathe if something new. Creak if you must but the comfort you had is floating on the breeze.