Friday, July 22, 2011

happiness is as happiness does

So a very wise woman pointed out that there has been no updates here in a while.  I say very wise for many reasons, but mainly because she is right in making this observation.  I didn't even realize it until she reminded me that it had been some time before she read something new here.  For that I apologize.  But I hope to make up for it with some riveting content, or at least a fun story or two ;)

She told me: "I havent seen any blog posts since your smile has been here."  And that got me thinking- why must we all only complain?  I mean, I don't want to undermine myself in all of this, however, most of the things that I chose to babble about here are things that really bum me out or piss me off or put me in a generally unpleasant disposition and I vent and try to talk myself into seeing it in a more positive light.  Whether I think I can learn something from a bad situation or keep someone else from making the same mistake, I manage to convince myself that some good can come of it.  But the point here is that the good is a forced result of the bad.  I never just talk about how good things are- and honestly, not many people do.

We always see the bad stuff in life and we complain about it loud and (almost) proud.  We get together for the sole purpose of complaining.  Hell, we have some relationships that are based on nothing more than doing so.  It's sad to say, but think about it- are there, or are there not people that you would not talk to if you did not complain to/with them?  And what's sadder is that regardless of it's impact on the situation, we still do it.

But the truth is, there are many good things in life.  We all have at least one thing every day that is genuinely good.  That's it, just good.  And I am just a little upset to think about the fact that I have used this primarily as an outlet for negative thoughts and feelings and will make it a point to talk about the good things too.  

And that, friends, was my way of saying I am happy.  Life is good.  I am realizing that there are more things that make me feel fulfilled and fewer moments where emptiness runs my life.  The positive side of me is coming back, it's a good thing.  Time to embrace this whole good, happy thing.  About freaking time.

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