Tuesday, December 20, 2011

black or white?

Totally should have listend ti the King of Pop on this one. Does it realy matter if you're black or white? Of course we are talking iPhones here. Oh, sorry... were you expecting some profound commentary on race and equality and judgement or lack thereof? Well there will be more of that a different day. Today this is a superficial discussion regarding materialistic goods.

You would have thought I was deciding howe we should approach a hostiage situation with all the pressure. Just needed to pick a color. Got all the technical details narrowed down. But it was the color of the case that had me legit stumped.

The sad thing is that this is a reflection on how I make all my decisions... terribly. I sit and I collect the data- first hand, second hand, whatever hand I can get. Then I analyze- charts, graphs, presentations, ROI. Can't get enough. Then it comes time for the conclusion- that magical moment where all the work I have just done comes together in such a way that there are legit angels getting their wings somewhere.


I literally analyze myself into a non-decision. I spend so much time preparing to make the decision that by the time that I can convince myself into any outcome being the right one. Which is great when you need to know each facet of the possibilities. Much to be said about that. But for me, no matter how much prep-work I do, it always comes down to a matter of reducing buyers remorse.

I make it so that each possibility is as great, albeit different, than the next. I need to make better decisions, need to discount the options that are not good rather than finding the best way to spin it so that it seems good. Put standards into place and not allow things that do not meet them to pass.

Lots of needs, not much action. Yet, I'll get there. Until then, although it doesn't matter very much, I got the white one and am very pleased with the decision (although it is good to know I can get a black replacement phone if I need to replace it for any reason.) Right, working on it.

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