Wednesday, December 7, 2011

social not-so-norms

Why is there no handbook on life? And why does no one read the ones that exist.  Yes some do actually exist. I'm not attempting to truly advocate these here, but there has to be SOME baseline for normal social behavior, and lord know I have no idea what the appropriate behavior in most situations is, so I take from what exists and build around it.  That is, after all, the way most people do everything, no?  "Borrow" someone's foundation, build upon it with your own personal flair, and produce something new, never seen by anyone before, even though it is just a "best of" compilation.

But serioulsy, I need some sort of compass to get me throguh life appropiately.  Every time I think I have figured some situation out, something happens that totally negates my previously well researched point.  #bothersme.

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