Friday, October 7, 2011

but is it really greener?

So this whole life thing... not so easy if you haven't noticed. If you have- you aren't alone. I don't have stats but I know that there are bunches of other people that find themselves cursing before their head even leaves the pillow in the morning (if they are fortunate enought to have one that is).  If you haven't- prepare yourself. This isn't play time. I wish it was because back in the day, play time rocked, and better yet, it was followed wth nap time. We had no idea how good we had it. We never do.

They say the grass is always greener on the other side. Not to say that I disagree, but I disagree. It's not that it is greener on the other side, it's more that we just dont know how green it is where we are. We learn to take our side's greenery for granted. Thinking "yeah, it's green- alwyas has been always will be."  And we stop providing it the support it needs to grow into its glorious green self. Then we see what others have worked hard at maintaining over the fense and we want that. 

We do what it takes to get it (arguably more often than not that calls for more hard work than just tending to our grass, but anyways). We get it- we finally get that elusive greener grass. And there again begins the cycle. We take out new (supposedly bigger, better, greener) green for what it is- bigger, better, and greener. Then we sit an watch as what we once had grows back to its former glory and start to want it, even more because we know we had it once before.  

The point here is that we need to take the time to step back, realize what we have, and appreciate it for how beautiful it is in and of itself rather than in comparison to everything around it.  We always have it better than we think we do, it's just a matter of realizing it.

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