Wednesday, October 5, 2011

it's gonna be worth it

It has to be. There is no way it can't its gotta happen. Right? Please tell me this isn't it. That Darius Rucker song is ringing through my head over and 
over. And I'm getting the stop lights, the chances, the broken hearts- when comes the THIS man? Seriously. I'm just about at my breaking point. I thought I had it. And then its torn away from me (well really I tear it away from myself if I want to be accurate). And I know its just because I want so badly to have my THIS moment.

I know I shouldn't make it happen because forcing it just leads to heartbreak, but GOODGOD I'm impatient!  I'd love to just let life work out the way its supposed to, but I don't operate on life time, I operate on warp speed; I have a five year plan people. And I don't care if life has other plans, but I'd just like it to let me know so I can adjust my expectations.

Life is all about expectations.  Scratch that, life is about managing expectations.  People expect things from us, we expect things from people, we expect things from ourselves.  Sometimes people expect too much from us and we end up pushing ourselves past our limits and do more harm then good.  Sometimes people don't expect enough and we lack the motivation to push ourselves to be the best that we can be.  The worst is when we do this to ourselves.  Managing expectations is important to keeping yourself in balance so that you can press forward to a good place without going past that to a negative place.  

We also need to manage our expectations of others.  Our whole existence is based around our relationships with others and we can do just as much harm and good for ourselves by managing our expectations of them.  I like to believe in people and try to expect the most from them, but sometimes it is hard to get past negative experiences.  Just as we must manage others' expectations of us to promote optimum growth, we must manage our expectations of others.  Guess right now I am just just exception too much of other's and myself.  New goal: find a way to manage my expectations and relive the pressure life is putting on me, I am putting on life, and I am putting on myself.

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