Thursday, October 6, 2011

reach for the stars

Goals are, in fact, dreams with deadlines. Nothing good ever happened without a deadline. Might not be a firm or short deadline, but all projects that are worthwhile are completed at some point. So you are going to have goals, you have to have something to work towards and different things are going to happen to with those goals.
  1. You are going to meet some of them. Celebrate this. You have succeeded at something you wanted to do, you have grown as a result. Set a new goal, time to push to the next level. 
  2. You are going to not meet some of them (notice how I didn't say fail, such a harsh word, fail.) You may not have succeeded, BUT you have learned something. You are know aware of a boundary that you have and have grown as a result. Maybe it is time to set a new goal to push that boundary. 
  3. You are going to have to adjust some of them. This whole goal thing is not a matter of black or white. There are times that goals may shift but not be completely reached or not. There is no answer key to life so no one is going to tell you that you are wrong (and if they do, might be time to evaluate the people in your life), but you need to do what you need to do. 
I am not really sure where I am in my phases of goals. I feel like a royal failure (yes, I know, hash word, but I do feel it), as we all will from time to time, but I am not sure it I need to admit defeat and start anew or simply adjust. I know I need something, but I am grasping at straws to find what that something is.

Theoretically, there's not much I am missing. I have the best and most supportive friends and family a girl could ask for (thank you for being awesome btw), I have a job (employment is good), I have great hair (when I chose to make it as such), a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear. I got all the basics, and I know that's more than some people could ask for in a life time. So I start to feel guilty not feeling fulfilled. Not to say that my life is perfect, but it's better than a lot of lives out there right now. I am lucky in many ways and need to start finding ways to make myself feel like that. I guess thats a new goal, ironic how life works...

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