Friday, April 1, 2011

all in good time

I hate that saying.  Maybe it's because I'm impatient, or maybe it's because it is just something people say to postpone dealing with the present, even if that's inevitable.  I guess it could be any reason, but the point is that the phrase, "all in good time," makes me want to punch things.  Almost as much as "everything happens for a reason," but it is all along the same sentiment, which is one that both irks me and makes me think.  

It drives me nuts because it takes away control, and it is natural to want to have control over your own life.  But at the same time it makes me feel less responsible for whatever bad thing just happened to me- and let's face it, this only comes up when bad things happen.  It's just such a contradiction; whenever you have someone telling you "everything will happen when it is supposed to," there is always someone else telling you "go out there and make your own opportunities."  So which is it?

Well for me it's both; depending on the day, I like either of those theories better than the other because I- like any other human being- will choose to believe one over the other as long as it makes me feel better at the time.  But I guess really the best solution is an awkward combination of the two.  

Part of life is dealing with what it throws at you.  They're not all gonna be softballs, I'll tell you that much.  But the other part is dealing with how you handle it.  You can't play the blame game and expect to win in any way, shape, or form.  Things are going to get you down, things are going to bring you up, but the way that you react to it is what really makes it as good or as bad as it is going to be.

So I guess it is time for me to get a firm grasp on my attitude and start making the most out of what life has to throw at me.  Although if life wanted to throw a couple more softballs, I wouldn't hate it.  I mean who doesn't want to knock one out of the park every once in a while?  Until then it's time to focus on the positive, expand upon it, and turn your lemons into lemonade... or lemon cream pie... or lemon drop martinis- hell, open an entire lemon themed restaurant.  Whatever you do, strike your balance between fate and making your own future so you can be a peace with yourself and find happiness.

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