Sunday, April 17, 2011

what the hell just happened?

Have you ever have a whirlwind weekend?  One of those strings of days where life is happening so fast that you forget to enjoy it?  Life can get overwhelming- sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a "I can't breathe anymore" way.  Yeah- it's exhausting; I need another weekend just to recover from my weekend.  Thankfully, this most recent whirlwind was one of good times with good people, but for better or for worse the feeling is the same.

Life doesn't stop, it doesn't slow down- it is what it is.  You have to take steps where you can to make sure you get to live while life is flying by.  It is an effort, taking the most from what life has to offer as it whips by you.  Especially because we are constantly bogged down but the "if only's" of yesterday and the "maybe's" of tomorrow that we forget the "here-and-now's" of the moment we are in.  We can't appreciate what we are doing because we are concerned about what we are forgetting or what we have to or will give up in order to do what we are doing.  It's sad really.  Life seems to have become more about the preparation and debriefing more than the actual events.  

We need to be mindful of these kinds of things.  We need to spend our life living, rather than planning how we are going to live it; even the best plan becomes useless if it is constantly being iterated and reiterated rather than acted out.  We must remember that life is but a series or fleeting moments and once they come and go, we don't get them back.  We may get second chances in life as far as people, places, and things are concerned, but a second chance comes with a new series of moments- we will never have the SAME moment back to do it.  

Thankfully, we have things and/people in our lives to remind us of the precious moments in life.  It is different for everyone.  Maybe it's your mother telling you to put your phone away.  Maybe it's your friends telling you to put down the camera and enjoy the show.  Maybe it is a loved one we have to say goodbye to too soon.  Maybe it is something as simple as watching the rain wash a freshly chalked piece of art down the drain.  Whatever your reminder is, take it- live your life now, enjoy every brief moment, and appreciate the take aways from ever experience.

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