Wednesday, April 20, 2011

friends in high places

People have a funny way of being there for you when you need it.  When you feel alone and like no one is on your side, your cheering section seems to pop out of nowhere; it's a great thing, really.  I know I get so caught up in life and doing whatever needs to get done that sometimes I forget that I am not, in fact, in it alone.  Even when we are constantly surrounded by people, it is easy to forget about the support systems that we have worked to prepare for ourselves.

We are social creatures.  We need each other to learn from and teach, to listen to and advise, to follow and to lead.  Our relationships make us stronger and whether that strengths comes from our relationships building us up or our relationships tearing us down so that we must build ourselves up, we grow as people because of the rest of the people in our lives.  I thrive on social interaction, so much so that I only realize it when I am alone.

Today I was reminded, in a very good way, about the important role that people play in your life.  And how no matter how alone you feel, there is someone to support you in just the way that you need to be supported.  Sometimes we forget that we are not an island; we don't have to keep going at it alone.  We can ask for help and take the support others offer us as a way of elevating ourselves to meet the challenges of life.  

That being said, you really do get what you give- when you give your heart to someone, they will return the favor.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but they will be there when you need it, possibly when you least expect it.  So when we have left our island on our (inevitably) cushy yacht, we should remember to stop by a neighboring island and help out one of our fellow travelers in this journey of life.  

As much as people get on my nerves from time to time and as deeply hurt as I have been by people, I know that those that are in it for me and in it to win it, no matter what.  Thanks friends.  I couldn't do it without you. :)

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